To be marked, branded, or tattooed in chahta anumpa (Choctaw) is Inchunwa.
Inchunwa shares the story of the ongoing Southeastern traditional tattoo revivalization movement. We’ll talk with influential artists, Southeastern scholars, and folks directly involved in the movement: those receiving tattoos and Southeastern tribal practitioners. Support our podcast and project by following our Instagram and Facebook . Additionally, you can access exclusive content by becoming patrons of the Inchunwa project & podcast at: http://patreon.com/inchunwa
EP16 S03: Indigenous Futurisms Festival NW Panel Discussion
Halito everyone! This month we are breaking away from our usual and accustomed series 3 content and bringing to ya'll the recording that we made earlier this month of the discussion on traditional tattoo revitalization and futurity at the Indigenous Futurism Festival Northwest in Tacoma, WA at Alma. Believe it or not, this was the first time an Inchunwa episode was recorded all in one location. We were so grateful to have traditional tattoo practitioners Hotvlkuce Harjo (Mvskoke) and Michaela Taylor (Yupik) join us for the discussion. In this, we discussed some topics we've covered over the coarse of the Inchunwa podcast - as well as some topics we've not yet been able to cover such as: perspective of Southeastern artists incorporating traditional tattoos in to their art & tattoo practitioners.
Due to the nature of live recordings, there may be some background noise. We will be releasing this panel discussion unedited - so there may be a higher frequency of “ums, likes, ya’knows” and longer pauses. Usually this is something we'd edit out, but we wanted to make sure we were able to get ya'll access to the recording ASAP.
Additional Links:
Josué Rivas for the photos:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/josue_foto/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/indigena/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/indigenastudios/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/inchunwa/
Hotvlkuce Harjo:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/dommivera/
Michaila Taylor:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/mnkonigt/
DJ Libbi:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/dj_libbi/
Alma Tacoma (native run restaurant & venue space):
IG: https://www.instagram.com/almatacoma/
Website: https://almatacoma.com/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/indigipop_x/
Website: https://www.indigipopx.com/
Watch the World Series of Stickball (WSS) live from Mississippi during Choctaw Days: https://www.youtube.com/@mbciworldseriesstickball2557/streams