To be marked, branded, or tattooed in chahta anumpa (Choctaw) is Inchunwa.
Inchunwa shares the story of the ongoing Southeastern traditional tattoo revivalization movement. We’ll talk with influential artists, Southeastern scholars, and folks directly involved in the movement: those receiving tattoos and Southeastern tribal practitioners. Support our podcast and project by following our Instagram and Facebook . Additionally, you can access exclusive content by becoming patrons of the Inchunwa project & podcast at: http://patreon.com/inchunwa
EP15 S03: Sarah Adams-Cornell
In this episode we will continue our third series where we talk with folks who have already received and bear their traditional tattoos in order to gain further insight into what it's like. We'll be speaking with Sarah Adams-Cornell (Choctaw). Sarah lives in Oklahoma City and is the Co-Founder of Matriarch Non-Profit and the Vice President of the Sovereign Community School Board. She serves on several other boards including the ACLU of Oklahoma, Not Your Mascot, Live Indigenous OK, and is a member of the Central Oklahoma Two Spirit Society.
During this episode we will also be joined by guest hosts Nico Williams (Cherokee) and Lisa McCaul (Choctaw). We're excited to have Nico and Lisa guest host so that we can broaden the conversation about what folks in Southeastern communities - both in Oklahoma and the diaspora are thinking about surrounding the revitalization of traditional tattoos.
If you've not yet listened to our first series, go ahead and take a listen. The first series will take you through the history of Southeastern Natives, Natives in general, and its intersections with tattoo history. Many of our guests will reference things such as boarding school, relocation, and more. The first series will help you to understand the history being mentioned in the episode to gain a deeper understanding of what is being discussed in this interview and all our other interviews.
Links to things mentioned in episode:
-Inchunwa: https://www.instagram.com/inchunwa/
- Sarah Adams-Cornell: https://www.instagram.com/sarahadams_405/
-Matriarch Ok: https://www.instagram.com/matriarch_ok/
-Nico Williams: https://www.instagram.com/auntie_nico/
-Burning Cedar Sovereign Wellness: https://www.instagram.com/burningcedartulsa/
-Lisa McCaul: https://www.instagram.com/seawhich47/
-Lisa Fruichantie: https://www.instagram.com/fruichantie/
-Alma Tacoma: https://almatacoma.com https://www.instagram.com/almatacoma/
-ᏓᏗᏬᏂᏏ (Dadiwonisi/We Will Speak)Film: https://www.instagram.com/dadiwonisifilm/
-Keli Gonzales: https://www.instagram.com/sideshow_kel/
-Hotvlkuce Harjo: https://www.instagram.com/dommivera/
-Michaila Taylor: https://www.instagram.com/mnkonigt/
-Rubia and Demetria Buck (quillwork/beadwork): https://www.sotascowidesigns.com https://www.instagram.com/sotascowidesigns/
-Quannah Chasinghorse: https://www.instagram.com/quannah.rose/
-Nathalie Standingcloud: https://www.instagram.com/nattatt8/
-Indigi Pop X (Indigenous Futurism Festival NW) : https://www.indigipopx.com/ https://www.instagram.com/indigipop_x/
-Red Eagle Soaring: https://www.instagram.com/redeaglesoaring/ https://www.wagives.org/organization/Red-Eagle-Soaring
-DJ Libbi: https://www.instagram.com/dj_